All information about the 2nd KRONE CUP in Lingen on September 11th, 2021

Registration closed: Registration for the 2nd KRONE is closed. Unfortunately, late registrations are no longer possible.

Contact organization team: / (05971) - 80 25 548

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Results from the 2nd KRONE CUP Lingen September 11th, 2021

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Picture gallery from the 2nd KRONE CUP Lingen September 11th, 2021

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Virtual competition briefing and further competition information for the 2nd Krone CUP Lingen on September 11th, 2021

Competition site:
The competition area is at the small sports field Holthausen-Biene, Lange Str. in 49808 Lingen/Ems-Biene. The area may ONLY be entered by athletes with an order confirmation / registration confirmation. Spectators are not allowed!

Getting there:
The competition area is at the small sports field Holthausen-Biene, Lange Str. in 49808 Lingen/Ems-Biene. View on Google Maps

Corona test:
The 3G rule applies! The test center is open on Friday, September 10th from 6 p.m. and on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. The test center is located directly on the parking lot at the competition area (sports field). When planning your time, please consider that the test takes at least 15 minutes to evaluate.

Mask requirement and distance rule:
Masks are compulsory on the competition site and in the transition area. A medical mouth and nose cover must be worn here. The minimum distance of 1.5m also applies here. The mask may only be removed when leaving the transition area on the way to the swim start. Of course, the minimum distance of 1.5m still applies here.
After crossing the finish line, you will all receive a mask that must be put on immediately when leaving the refreshment/finish area.

Parking spot:
There is a parking lot right next to the competition area (sports field). There is also a car park at the sailing club about 1.5 km away. You can also park in the "Lange Straße" area.

Overnight stay with caravan:
The mobile home parking space at the main car park is available for overnight stays with a mobile home or caravan. The operator is not permitted to do this on the competition site and parking lot.

Starting paper issue:
The issue of the starting documents is located on the competition site. The starting documents can be picked up at the following times:
September 10, 2021 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
September 11, 2021 09:00 - 13:00 (please note the latest possible output per race).

Starting numbers can only be issued with the 3G rule . You must show proof of vaccination, proof of a recovered corona infection or a current negative corona test (not older than 24 hours). And you have to identify yourself with your ID card.

The starting documents include the following:
1. Race number
2. Timing chip (must be handed in after the race)
3. Swimming cap
4. drinking bottle
5. Stickers for helmet and bike

Starting pass / daily license German Triathlon Union
The DTU requires a DTU start pass or a day license for the Olympic distance and the middle distance. This license fee is either paid by the respective club to the DTU in the case of starting pass holders or paid 100% by us to the DTU when a day license is purchased.

Anyone who does not have a start pass must purchase a day license from the start number issue.
Olympic distance: 15 euros
Middle distance: 25 euros

Fair and catering:
On the competition site there is a booth from Leistungssprung / with equipment for the triathlon. Compex is also on site with a test stand for muscle stimulation and regeneration. There is a bratwurst and drinks stand for refreshments, which is set up in front of the competition area.

Race briefing:
This year, due to the Corona situation, the competition briefing will only take place virtually with this information. Due to the situation, we cannot keep the minimum distance during the competition briefing. For this reason there will be no more race briefings on site.
So this is the OFFICIAL race briefing!

Bike check-in:
For quick check-in, please attach your bike start number and helmet start number beforehand, put on your helmet and fasten the chin strap.
Check-in times for the different distances:
Middle distance: 10:00 a.m. – 11:55 a.m
Olympic distance: 10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m
People’s distance and relays: 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m
Trial distance: 10:00 a.m. – 1:25 p.m

Swim check-in:
There will be no mass start in swimming, there will be a rolling start. Swimming in is not possible. Please come to the bank of the reservoir 10 minutes before your start (above the transition zone) and line up in rows of 2, 1.5m apart and wait there for the start. It always starts with two athletes with 2 sec. Distance. Please always move up so that everyone is let into the water from the same spot. You then walk over the timing mat at the start, so that the time measurement starts at the same place for everyone. If you do not start or do not finish the swim, please contact a judge or helper.

To swim:
When swimming, you swim anti-clockwise, which means you swim up the dike on the right side from the perspective of the start and down again on the left side (you leave the buoys/floating jetty/SUP on the left). Each distance is swum near the edge of the lake. Half the distance from the swim entry, around a buoy and back again. A graphic is attached to the swim start.

Neoprene rental:
Since there will be no wetsuit ban at the current water temperatures, we offer wetsuit rental. The rental fee is €35 per wetsuit. The neoprene rental is on the competition area on the sports field. No wetsuits are reserved, these can only be picked up directly. The suit must be returned by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. The rental fee will be deducted from the purchase of the suit.
Neoprene rental at the shop stand
September 10, 2021 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m
September 11, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m

Swim distance (example):
View here

transition zone:
The transition zone is located above the competition area (approx. 800 m) and below the swim start (150 m). The transition zone can only be entered by athletes and is only possible after collecting the starting documents and the prepared bike.

In competition, the bike may only be picked up after the helmet has been put on and the chin strap has been fastened. The bike must be pushed up to the ascent mark (line) at the end of the transition zone. On the way back to the transition area, you have to get off the bike in front of the descent marker (line) and then push the bike further to the transition area. The helmet may only be opened after the bike has been parked and the helmet removed.

Special note for relay participants:
The cyclist waits at his bike in the transition area for his swimmer and takes the chip. He already has his race number on his back. The runner will later wait there for the cyclist and take the chip.

To go biking:
The start number must be worn on the back of the bike. The road traffic regulations (StVO) apply, in particular the right-hand drive! The bike tour is on public roads, except for a short part on the feeder and the way back to the transition area (200 m before the transition area). There is also a point here where there is a narrowing, this is equipped with warnings. Please be particularly careful in these areas and reduce your speed appropriately. Crossing the center line in this area will result in direct disqualification.

All distances will be held with a slipstream ban. The slipstream zone is 12m long, measured from the front edge of the front wheel to the front edge of the following competitor's front wheel. An overtake must be made within 25 seconds. A rider is considered to be “passed” when the overtaker's front wheel is in front of the overtaken's. The overtaken must fall back and get out of the slipstream zone within 25 seconds. The lateral distance when overtaking must be at least 1.5m. A competitor who does not indicate clearly enough that they will comply with these regulations will be penalized with a time penalty.

Each distance runs a different number of laps, each athlete is responsible for counting his laps and then turning into the transition zone. The way from the transition zone to the cycling circuit and back (feeder at the lake) is 1 km each.

Middle distance: 16 laps
Olympic distance: 8 laps
People's Distance and Relays: 4 laps
Trial distance: 2 laps

bike course:
View here

The start number must be worn on the front of the race course. Please always walk on the right so that you can be overtaken on the left. The run is 5km long. At the taster distance 2.5 km.

middle distance
4 running laps. At the end of the lap you will receive a rubber band for the lap you have run. At the finish, middle distance athletes must have 3 rubber bands. An aid station (water) and gel will be set up at km 2.5.

Olympic distance:
2 running laps. At the end of the lap you will receive a rubber band for the lap you have run. At the finish, Olympic distance athletes must have 1 elastic. An aid station (water), gel will be set up at km 2.5.

People distance:
A lap must be run. Refreshments will not be offered on the running course.

trial distance
The athletes run a short 2.5 km loop. Catering in the finish area.

Running distance:
View here

Each participant will receive a water-filled bike bottle when the starting number is issued.

People's distance and taster distance: Refreshments only in the finish area

Olympic distance: no refreshments on the bike course, on the run course refreshments with water and gel at km 2.5. target catering

Middle distance: water, bars and gel on the bike course from 2:00 p.m. and on the run course always at 2.5 km of each lap. target catering.

finish line:
After crossing the finish line, you can eat, of course, but you have to leave the finish area quickly afterwards. The minimum distance of 1.5 m applies.
There will be no award ceremony, the results will be made available online.
The best of the competitions, women and men, will receive gifts.

Have a shower:
This year no showers may be used due to corona.
Toilets are available.

The time is measured using a reusable transponder, which is issued with the start number. A chip tape is required for attachment. The chip must be worn above the ankle.
Chip and start number ribbons can be purchased at the sales stand.
The transponder must be handed in when leaving the finish area. If a transponder is not handed in, it will be billed retrospectively at 60 euros.

Time schedule:
This is the schedule of the 2nd KRONE CUP Lingen from September 10th - 11th, 2021. There may be postponements.

Start number issue:
September 10, 2021 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m
September 11, 2021 09:00 - 13:00 (please note the latest possible output per race)

Saturday, September 11, 2021:
Middle distance (1.9 – 80 – 21)
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Distribution of race numbers
10:00 – 11:55 check-in/ bike check
12:20 Start
Check out from 4:00 p.m

Olympic distance (1.5 – 40 -10)
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
10:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Check?In/bike check
13:10 start
Check out from 3:00 p.m

National distance including relay (0.4 – 20 – 5)
09:00 – 11:15 Start number distribution
10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Check?In / bike check
12:00 start
Check out from 2:30 p.m

Trial distance (0.2 – 10 – 2.5)
9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m
10:00 a.m. – 1:25 p.m. Check-in/ bike check
13:45 start
Check out from 2:15 p.m

We know that the competition is different than usual due to all the restrictions, but we are glad that it can take place at all and that we can offer you the opportunity to hold a triathlon this year. Many have been training for this event for a long time.
We wish you a lot of fun at the 2nd Krone CUP.

Your organizational team

Contact: / (05971) - 80 25 548

Registration closed

Lingen, September 1st: Registration for the 2nd KRONE is closed. Unfortunately, late registrations are no longer possible.

Important information for the 2nd KRONE CUP in Lingen

On September 11th the 2nd KRONE CUP starts in Lingen. In order to protect us and you, we have made the following regulation for the triathlon with the health department.

  • Competition area at the sports field Holthausen-Biene, Lange Str. in Biene
  • The competition area may only be entered with proof of vaccination (COVID-19), proof of recovery or a daily negative corona test.
  • The test site is available directly at the competition site on Saturday from 09:00 a.m.
  • A minimum distance of 1.5 m must be maintained on the competition site and in the transition zone. If it is not possible to keep a distance, mouth and nose protection must be worn.
  • The respective start takes place in "rolling" start mode. Two athletes always start next to each other (1.5 m apart). Then every 2 seconds.
  • At the finish, one mouth and nose protector will be issued per person, which must be worn in the finish area.
  • Please look at the provisional start plan and take your time

More information will follow.

Lingen, 17.06. - Approval for the 2nd KRONE CUP on September 11th is available.

The district of Emsland gave us official approval for the 2nd KRONE CUP.

A total of up to 500 participants can start on the four distances of different lengths and in the relay triathlon.

The preparations are already in full swing, if you still want to be there, you should register as soon as possible.

We look forward to you!

Lingen, 30.05. - First local check at the reservoir

First local check for the KRONE CUP at the Speichersee. The weather is finally good, the sun is shining, only the water is still a bit fresh at 14°C. But we are confident that summer is finally coming and that swimming training in the reservoir can start soon. If you still need a suitable wetsuit, contact us > shop / performance leap in Rheine.

For all three fighters: Have you ever tried trail running?

No? Then the Westfalen Trail series is the right one for you. Even before you jump into the water on July 4th, you can experience the beautiful Sauerland running.

10, 20 or 30KM are offered running or hiking. Also with a dog, by the way. And best of all: If you have already booked your starting place at the triathlon in Lingen, you will receive a 20% discount on your starting place in Winterberg on April 25th. Simply send an e-mail with your name and start number to and you will immediately receive a voucher code. All further information can be found online at or on instagram and facebook.